





Routes (all starting from the Rattlesnake Ledge trailhead parking lot) Many runs will utilize distances marked out on the Iron Horse Trail which used to be known as "The Milwaukee Road" back in its railroad days. The trail ends at the Cedar Falls Watershed Education Center just past milemarker 2136 (marker now missing) and the numbers get smaller as one travels east on the trail.
All runs are either out and backs or loops except for the rare exception such as the Hyak run. Most distances are based on GPS data and are not 'exact'.

1 to 5 mile long Routes

5 to 10 mile routes

10 to 15 mile routes

15 to 20+ mile routes

Lake laps 1.75 miles
Boxley Creek 2 miles
Christmas Lake 2.25 miles
Ledge and back 4.25 miles
Ceder Butt (sic) 4.75 miles
Pump house loop 1.25 miles

Ragnar Run 6.5 miles
Substation 8.5 miles

Rattlesnake Ridge 11+ miles
Change Creek 11.5 miles
Sno Valley to freeway 12 miles
Hull Creek 12.5 miles

Mine Creek 15.5 miles
Sno Valley to end 20 miles
Hyak and tunnel 22 miles

R.O.B. (Rattlesnake Over & Back)